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Page Design: Randy Janson and Isis Romero

DFA: Isis Romero and Perre Zinvy

Sketches: Gabby Yordanova and Pierre Zivny

Pugh Matrix: Gabby Yordanova


From the PDS, we identified possible ways that we could improve our product:

Cost of Manufacture:

To decrease the cost of manufacturing, the metal frame sides could be made thinner such that less metal is used and thus the cost is decreased.


Our stapler consists of a lot of purchased parts; therefore, methods-of-manufacture cannot really be improved much.

The lower spacer is produced through sheet metal stamping. However, it is thicker than other materials. Since it is very small, if we made it out of the same sheet metal we could reduce waste by using the excess sheet metal from other parts.

As mentioned before, the staple holder’s reduction in parts would eliminate the need for processes such as spot welding

In order to redesign our product, we first did a DFA analysis to see which parts we could combine or delete in our design:

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These are the initial ideas we had of possible changes to our product. From here, we took the top 3 to actually carry out.

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To see how much of an impact these ideas would have on our top qualities identified in our QFD, we created a Pugh Matrix:

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